Huh, never knew that Tom made a second one! The redesigns are a little weird but I'm sure I'll get used to them.
Huh, never knew that Tom made a second one! The redesigns are a little weird but I'm sure I'll get used to them.
i saw Pico Chungus and immediately quit, 5/5
really fun and hella stylish for a game that i can only beat on easy mode
Well, it's a Flappy Bird clone. Nothing new here, folks. It plays pretty solidly, though.
The graphics are alright, and they look mostly polished, but it's really hard to tell when the obstacles end and the background begins due to a lack of contrast between the two. There are also a few noticeable points where the background "ends" and repeats itself. The font that you used for the text and numbers looks unfinished for some reason (but it might be a stylistic choice).
Sound wise, it's also pretty solid but the music and sound effects that you used don't fit the setting of the game at all. It almost feels like it was decided on at the last minute instead of being a part of the game itself. I also noticed a bug while writing this where the music eventually stops looping until you click the reset button after you die.
The plot feels like an afterthought—it pretty much doesn't exist until you lose, in which the game tells you that "Your'e [sic] Fired!" I'm not sure if the plot was written after development was mostly finished, but if it was, I'd suggest knocking it out first. You'll generally have a much better time keeping the game coherent instead of having three different elements that all contrast with each other.
For a first game, this is pretty respectable. I'd consider honing your writing skills and delivering a game that isn't straight up a clone of something else. Art and sound seem to be your strong suits, and I think your skills in those areas would get even better if you continue to work on them.
Keep at it! I'm sure you'll be making something awesome in no time.
Thanks for the feedback. This game was mostly made as a learning project. It was mostly made as a joke. I honestly didn't put that much effort into the game. So you are correct on a lot of points. I just wanted to make a game and learn from it before posting a more complicated game. I am working on a more unique original game that should be a lot better.You helped lots thanks.
It's kind of a shame that the rating is so low on this one—it's really solid for a first game! The mechanics here are insanely simple but there's a lot of fun little touches that keep it engaging, and the length of the game is pretty short but it doesn't overstay its welcome. These two points totally remind me of late-2000s Flash games.
I did notice that you introduced a mechanic *very* late in the game—just when I started to get the hang of it, I was met with a "you win" screen. Maybe you can start expanding on these ideas in a sequel? The background was also kind of confusing because I tended to focus on the brighter parts instead of the darker parts, resulting in the arrows pointing in the opposite direction of what I had the gravity set to.
That being said, again this is a very solid game overall, especially for your first one! I'd love to see more in the future.
For what this demo is, it plays really well. I love the automatic-short-range-ranged-attack mechanic because it really makes you think on your feet. The character also is really satisfying to play as; there's just the right amount of weight and speed to help you smoothly platform around each screen.
Some things that I suggest you keep in mind in the future are to make it easier to tell where the player is. There was a lot happening on screen and I sometimes got lost amidst the masses of bullets flying between me and my enemies. You could also make the range of the player's attacks a little more clear—perhaps you could draw a ring?
All of that said, what I've played is really good and definitely worth the $4. I'd love to see this polished even more if the game takes off.
Age 23, Male
the parking lot behind wendy's
idiot zone usa
Joined on 4/17/20